Cadernos de Saúde Pública
As condições e as experiências de vida de grupos populares no Rio de Janeiro: repensando a mobilização popular no controle do dengue
Rosely Magalhães De Oliveira1  Victor Vincent Valla1 
[1],Fundação Oswaldo cruz Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Departamento de Endemias Samuel PessoaRio de Janeiro RJ ,Brasil
关键词: Dengue;    Community Participation;    Disease Outbreaks;    Sanitation;    Public Health;    Dengue;    Participação Comunitária;    Surtos de Doenças;    Saneamento;    Saúde Pública;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0102-311X2001000700016
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
Using narratives of an experience with popular mobilization during the 1986-91 dengue epidemic in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the authors discuss the scientific research and technical counseling involving basic sanitation conditions for vulnerable social groups. They present research results on water distribution in the slums from the Leopoldina area of the city. The research stemmed from demands by community leaders at local forums discussing health conditions. Gathering, systematizing, and analyzing the data were based on what they call "shared knowledge construction", resulting by crossing accumulated scientific knowledge with popular knowledge produced as a result of living conditions and life experiences among working-class groups. Finally, the authors comment on the need for local health professionals to be aware of relationships between epidemic and endemic processes and protection of life.
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