Cadernos de Saúde Pública
Perspectivas católicas progressistas em saúde e direitos reprodutivos: o desafio político da ortodoxia
Frances Kissling1 
[1] ,Catholics for a Free ChoiceWashington DC ,U.S.A.
关键词: Catholicism;    Abortion;    Contraception;    Reproductive Health;    Reproductive Rights;    Catolicismo;    Aborto;    Contracepção;    Saúde Reprodutiva;    Direitos Reprodutivos;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0102-311X1998000500024
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

Catholics do not follow official Roman Catholic teachings on matters of sexuality and reproduction, including the position that contraception , even for married couples, is always evil, and that direct abortion , even to save a woman's life, is always immoral. Less well known is the extent of the Church's involvement in policy-making on these same issues. For example, it has forced the closing of in vitro fertilization (IVF) services from Poland to Uruguay. As the Church has never declared any of the dominant views, over time, regarding when a fetus becomes a person as a doctrine or dogma, there is no theological justification for the absolute condemnation of abortion. Neither is there a theory on "just abortion" similar to the "just war" that allows killing under certain circumstances. The enormous gap between the Church's positions and the views of worshippers has led Catholics to shape a workable and honorable sexual and reproductive ethic of their own. The Church could make a positive contribution if it chose to accompany people on this quest rather than to raise roadblocks.

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