Revista de Economia Política
Germany's socio-economic model and the Euro crisis
Michael Dauderstädt1 
[1] ,Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Division for Economic and Social Policy
关键词: Germany;    corporatism;    reforms;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0101-31572013000100001
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

Germany's socio-economic model, the "social market economy", was established in West Germany after World War II and extended to the unified Germany in 1990. During a prolonged recession after the adoption of the Euro in 1998, major reforms (Agenda 2010) were introduced which many consider as the key of Germany's recent success. The reforms had mixed results: employment increased but has consisted to a large extent of precarious low-wage jobs. Growth depended on export surpluses based on an internal real devaluation (low unit labour costs) which make Germany vulnerable to global recessions as in 2009. Overall inequality increased substantially.

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