Revista de Economia Política
Knowledge governance, innovation and development
Leonardo Burlamaqui1 
[1] ,State University of Rio de Janeiro Program officer at the Ford Foundation
关键词: globalization;    governance;    competition;    intellectual property;    antitrust;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0101-31572010000400002
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

This paper aims to be a very preliminary effort to contribute to a better understanding of the interaction among innovation, competition and intellectual property policies from an evolutionary-developmental perspective. As such, it seeks to build a more coherent framework within which the discussions of both institution building and policy design for development can proceed. In order to accomplish that, the paper introduces the concept of "Knowledge Governance" as an alternative analytical and policy-oriented approach, and suggests that from a public policy/public interest perspective, and within an evolutionary framework, it is a better way to address the problems concerning the production, appropriability and diffusion of knowledge. In doing so, it also intends contribute to broaden the ongoing discussions on the "New Developmentalism".

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