Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões
Is professional recognition in plastic surgery related to activity in research
Ivan Maluf Junior1  Marlon Augusto Camara Lopes1  Adriana Sayuri Kurogi Ascenço1  Dirlene Taisa Berri1  Alysson Rogério Matioski1  Fernando Carbonieri1  Priscila Balbinot1  Isis Nasser1  Rafaela Cesário Pereira Maluf1  Renato Da Silva Freitas1 
关键词: Cirurgia Plástica;    Congressos;    Pesquisa;    Bibliografia como assunto;    Surgery;    Plastic;    Congresses;    Research;    Bibliography as topic;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0100-69912014000300015
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relation of medical research, with the participation of prominent plastic surgeon in Congress.METHODS: We reviewed the scientific programs of the last 3 Brazilian Congress of Surgery, were selected 21 Brazilian plástic surgeons invited to serve as panelists or speakers in roundtable sessions in the last 3 congresses (Group 1). We randomly selected and paired by other members (associates) of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, with no participation in congress as speaker (Group 2). We conducted a search for articles published in journals indexed in Medline, Lilacs and SciELO for all doctors selected during the entire academic career and the last 5 years from March 2007 until March 2012. We assessed the research activity through the simple counting of the number of publications in indexed journals for each professional. The number of publications groups was compared.RESULTS: articles produced throughout career: Group 1- 639 articles (average of 30.42 items each). Group 2- 79 articles (mean 3.95 articles each). Difference between medias: p <0.001.CONCLUSION: The results demonstrate that the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery seeking professionals with a greater number of publications and journals of higher impact. This approach encourages new members to pursue a higher qualification, and give security to congressmen, they can rely on the existence of a technical criterion in the choice of speakers.

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