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Remoção do alcatrão de correntes de gaseificação de biomassa: processos e catalisadores
Cristina P. B. Quitete2  Mariana M. V. M. Souza1 
[1] ,Petrobras CENPES Rio de Janeiro RJ ,Brasil
关键词: tar;    gasification;    catalysts;   
DOI  :  10.5935/0100-4042.20140110
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

Biomass gasification is a technology that has attracted great interest in synthesis of biofuels and oxo alcohols. However, this gas contains several contaminants, including tar, which need to be removed. Removal of tar is particularly critical because it can lead to operational problems. This review discusses the major pathways to remove tar, with a particular focus on the catalytic steam reforming of tar. Few catalysts have shown promising results; however, long-term studies in the context of real biomass gasification streams are required to realize their potential.

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