Química Nova
Determinação de benzeno, tolueno, etilbenzeno e xilenos em gasolina comercializada nos postos do estado do Piauí
Flamys Lena Do N. Silva2  José Ribeiro Dos Santos Jr.2  José Machado Moita Neto2  Rosa Lina G. Do N. P. Da Silva2  Danilo Luiz Flumignan1  José Eduardo De Oliveira1 
[1] ,Universidade Federal do Piauí Departamento de Química Teresina PI ,Brasil
关键词: BTEX;    gasoline;    statistical analysis;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0100-40422009000100011
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

Automotive gasoline consists of a complex mixture of flammable and volatile hydrocarbons derived from crude oil with carbon numbers within the range of 4-12 and boiling points range of 30-225 ºC. Its composition varies with the kind of crude oil and the type of refinery process that they undergone. Aromatics hydrocarbons, in particular benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and isomeric xylenes (BTEX) are the toxic group constituents presents. GC-FID was employed to quantify these hydrocarbons in 50 commercial gasoline samples from Piauí state. Statistical analysis techniques, such as PCA and HCA were used to analyze the data. Moreover, several validation parameters were evaluated.

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