Química Nova
Desempenho físico-químico de metais e estruturas de concreto de redes de distribuição de energia: estudo de caso na região de Manaus
Kleber Franke Portella2  Carlos Mario Garcia2  Giseli Ribeiro Vergés2  Alex Joukoski2  Karla Regina Rattmann Freire2  Alcyr De Pinho Corrêa1 
[1] ,Instituto de Tecnologia para o DesenvolvimentoCuritiba PR ,Brasil
关键词: paints;    reinforced concrete;    materials for electric energy distribution networks;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0100-40422006000400018
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

The influence of natural aging furthered by atmospheric corrosion of parts of electric transformers and materials, as well as of concrete poles and cross arms containing corrosion inhibitors was evaluated in Manaus. Results for painted materials, it could showed that loss of specular gloss was more intensive in aliphatic polyurethane points than in acrylic polyurethane ones. No corrosion was observed for metal and concrete samples until 400 days of natural aging. Corrosion in steel reinforcement was noticed in some poles, arising from manufacturing faults, such as low cement content, water/cement ratio, thin concrete cover thickness, etc. The performance of corrosion inhibitors was assessed by many techniques after natural and accelerated aging in a 3.5% saline aqueous solution. The results show the need for better chemical component selection and its concentration in the concrete mixture.

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