Química Nova
Sobre o desenvolvimento da análise volumétrica e algumas aplicações atuais
Juliana Terra1  Adriana Vitorino Rossi1 
[1] ,Universidade Estadual de Campinas Instituto de Química Campinas SP
关键词: titrimetry;    historical development;    current uses;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0100-40422005000100029
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

Classical methods of analysis played a fundamental role in the development of Chemistry and the chemical industry. They have been tools for analytical procedures since the 18th century, remaining useful until today. The technological appeal of the instrumental methods seems to dazzle the incoming generations of chemists who do not recognize the importance of titrimetry. A short description of the development of titrimetry is presented in order to call attention to historical landmarks for teaching and learning activities in Portuguese. A compilation of some current standard analytical methods that employ titrations is presented to illustrate the availability of titrimetry nowadays.

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