Acta Amazonica
Postharvest changes and respiratory pattern of bacuri fruit (Platonia insignis Mart.) at different maturity stages during ambient storage
Gustavo Henrique De Almeida Teixeira2  José Fernando Durigan2  Maria Aparecida Lima2  Ricardo Elesbão Alves1  Heloísa Almeida Cunha Filgueiras1 
[1],UNESP FCAV IDepartamento de TecnologiaJaboticabal,Brazil
关键词: Guttiferae;    Tropical fruit;    Non-climacteric;    postharvest;    Guttiferae;    fruta tropical;    não climatérico;    pós-colheita;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0044-59672005000100003
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】
Bacuri (Platonia insignis, Mart.) is one of the most important among Amazonian fruits. However, little is known about its postharvest physiology, such as maturity stages, changes during ambient storage, and respiratory pattern. Fruits were harvested at three maturity stages based on epicarp colour: dark green, light green, and turning (50% yellow), in order to determine colour modification and respiratory pattern during ambient storage (25.2 ºC, 75.1 % RH). Fruit of all maturity stages showed, after three days of harvest, a non-climacteric respiratory pattern, with turning fruit presenting the highest CO2 production rate until the fourth storage day (177.63 mg.CO2.kg-1.h-1). Yellowing increased throughout storage as related to lightness, chromaticity, and hue angle reductions. Turning fruit can be stored at ambient conditions for up to 10 days without any loss in marketability.
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