Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria
The use of a neck brace does not influence visual vertical perception
Martha Funabashi2  Natya N.l. Silva1  Luciana M. Watanabe1  Taiza E.g Santos-pontelli2  José Fernando Colafêmina1  Antonio A.o. Carneiro1  Osvaldo M. Takayanagui2 
[1] ,University of São Paulo Faculty of Medicine at Ribeirão Preto Department of Neuroscience and BehaviorRibeirão Preto SP ,Brazil
关键词: visual perception;    proprioception;    saccule;    utricle;    percepção visual;    propriocepção;    sáculo;    utrículo;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0004-282X2011000400019
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

Subjective visual vertical (SVV) evaluates the individual's capacity to determine the vertical orientation. Using a neck brace (NB) allow volunteers' heads fixation to reduce cephalic tilt during the exam, preventing compensatory ocular torsion and erroneous influence on SVV result. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the influence of somatosensory inputs caused by a NB on the SVV. METHOD: Thirty healthy volunteers performed static and dynamic SVV: six measures with and six without the NB. RESULTS: The mean values for static SVV were -0.075º±1.15º without NB and -0.372º±1.21º with NB. For dynamic SVV in clockwise direction were 1.73º±2.31º without NB and 1.53º±1.80º with NB. For dynamic SVV in counterclockwise direction was -1.50º±2.44º without NB and -1.11º±2.46º with NB. Differences between measurements with and without the NB were not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Although the neck has many sensory receptors, the use of a NB does not provide sufficient afferent input to change healthy subjects' perception of visual verticality.

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