Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências
Lower nappe aeration in smooth channels: experimental data and numerical simulation
Eudes J. Arantes1  Rodrigo M. Porto2  John S. Gulliver2  Alberto C.m. Lima2  Harry E. Schulz2 
[1] ,UTFPRCampo Mourão PR ,Brasil
关键词: spillway aerators;    air entrainment;    air-water flows;    multiphase flows;    aeradores de vertedouros;    carreamento de ar;    escoamento ar-água;    escoamentos multifásicos;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0001-37652010000200027
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

Bed aerators designed to increase air void ratio are used to prevent cavitation and related damages in spillways. Air entrained in spillway discharges also increases the dissolved oxygen concentration of the water, which can be important for the downstream fishery. This study considers results from a systematic series of measurements along the jet formed by a bed aerator, involving concentration profiles, pressure profiles, velocity fields and corresponding air discharges. The experimental results are, then, compared, with results of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations with the aim of predicting the air discharge numerically. Comparisons with jet lengths and the air entrainment coefficients from the literature are also made. It is shown that numerical predictive tools furnish air discharges comparable to measured values. However, if more detailed predictions are desired, verification experiments are still necessary.

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