Aptamer Based Microsphere Biosensor for Thrombin Detection
Hongying Zhu1  Jonathan D. Suter1  Ian M. White1 
[1] id="af1-sensors-06-00785">Department of Biological Engineering, 240D Life Sciences Center, 1201 East Rollins Street, University of Missouri—Columbia Columbia, Missouri 65211, U
关键词: Microsphere;    ring resonator;    whispering gallery mode;    aptamer;    thrombin;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s6080785
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

We have developed an optical microsphere resonator biosensor using aptamer as receptor for the measurement of the important biomolecule thrombin. The sphere surface is modified with anti-thrombin aptamer, which has excellent binding affinity and selectivity for thrombin. Binding of the thrombin at the sphere surface is monitored by the spectral position of the microsphere's whispering gallery mode resonances. A detection limit on the order of 1 NIH Unit/mL is demonstrated. Control experiments with non-aptamer oligonucleotide and BSA are also carried out to confirm the specific binding between aptamer and thrombin. We expect that this demonstration will lead to the development of highly sensitive biomarker sensors based on aptamer with lower cost and higher throughput than current technology.

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