PAU/GNSS-R: Implementation, Performance and First Results of a Real-Time Delay-Doppler Map Reflectometer Using Global Navigation Satellite System Signals
Juan Fernando Marchan-Hernandez1  Adriano Camps2  Nereida Rodriguez-Alvarez2  Xavier Bosch-Lluis2  Isaac Ramos-Perez2 
[1] id="af1-sensors-08-03005"> Remote Sensing Lab, Dept. Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions, Campus Nord D3, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 08034 Barcelona, Spa
关键词: GPS reflectometry;    Delay-Doppler Maps (DDM);    sea state;    digital design;    embedded system;    real-time;    field-programmable gate array (FPGA);   
DOI  :  10.3390/s8053005
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

Signals from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) were originally conceived for position and speed determination, but they can be used as signals of opportunity as well. The reflection process over a given surface modifies the properties of the scattered signal, and therefore, by processing the reflected signal, relevant geophysical data regarding the surface under study (land, sea, ice…) can be retrieved. In essence, a GNSS-R receiver is a multi-channel GNSS receiver that computes the received power from a given satellite at a number of different delay and Doppler bins of the incoming signal. The first approaches to build such a receiver consisted of sampling and storing the scattered signal for later post-processing. However, a real-time approach to the problem is desirable to obtain immediately useful geophysical variables and reduce the amount of data. The use of FPGA technology makes this possible, while at the same time the system can be easily reconfigured. The signal tracking and processing constraints made necessary to fully design several new blocks. The uniqueness of the implemented system described in this work is the capability to compute in real-time Delay-Doppler maps (DDMs) either for four simultaneous satellites or just one, but with a larger number of bins. The first tests have been conducted from a cliff over the sea and demonstrate the successful performance of the instrument to compute DDMs in real-time from the measured reflected GNSS/R signals. The processing of these measurements shall yield quantitative relationships between the sea state (mainly driven by the surface wind and the swell) and the overall DDM shape. The ultimate goal is to use the DDM shape to correct the sea state influence on the L-band brightness temperature to improve the retrieval of the sea surface salinity (SSS).

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