Development of a Space-charge-sensing System
Ariadi Hazmi2  Nobuyuki Takagi2  Daohong Wang1 
[1] Gifu University of Japan, Gifu, Japan; E-mails
关键词: Space charge;    remote sensing;    thundercloud;    lightning;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s7123058
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

A system for remotely measuring the distribution of air space charge in real time is developed. The system consists of a loudspeaker and an electric field antenna. By propagating a burst of directional sound wave from the speaker, a modulation in the space charge and, therefore, an electric field change at ground is produced. The distribution of the space charge density is derived from the E-field change which can be measured by the E-field antenna. The developed system has been confirmed by both laboratory and field experiments.

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