Platform for a Hydrocarbon Exhaust Gas Sensor Utilizing a Pumping Cell and a Conductometric Sensor
Diana Biskupski2  Andrea Geupel2  Kerstin Wiesner1  Maximilian Fleischer1 
[1]Siemens AG, Corporate Research & Technology, Sensor Systems, 81739 Munich, Germany
[2]Bayreuth Engine Research Center, Functional Materials, University of Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany
关键词: hydrocarbon exhaust gas sensor;    strontium titanate;    gallium oxide;    electrochemical pumping cell;    exhaust gas sensor;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s90907498
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

Very often, high-temperature operated gas sensors are cross-sensitive to oxygen and/or they cannot be operated in oxygen-deficient (rich) atmospheres. For instance, some metal oxides like Ga2O3 or doped SrTiO3 are excellent materials for conductometric hydrocarbon detection in the rough atmosphere of automotive exhausts, but have to be operated preferably at a constant oxygen concentration. We propose a modular sensor platform that combines a conductometric two-sensor-setup with an electrochemical pumping cell made of YSZ to establish a constant oxygen concentration in the ambient of the conductometric sensor film. In this paper, the platform is introduced, the two-sensor-setup is integrated into this new design, and sensing performance is characterized. Such a platform can be used for other sensor principles as well.

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