Estimation of an Entropy-based Functional
关键词: entropy;    differential entropy;    Shannon entropy;    entropy estimation;    nonlinear functional;    signal processing;   
DOI  :  10.3390/e12030338
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】
Given a function f from [0, 1] to the real line, we consider the (nonlinear) functional h obtained by evaluating the continuous entropy of the “density function” of f. Motivated by an application in signal processing, we wish to estimate h(f). Our main tool is a decomposition of h into two terms, which each have favorable scaling properties. We show that, if functions f and g satisfy a regularity condition, then the smallness of ∥fg and ∥f′g′, along with some basic control on derivatives of f and g, is sufficient to imply that h(f) and h(g) are close.
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