International Journal of Molecular Sciences
In Vivo Biocompatibility Study of Electrospun Chitosan Microfiber for Tissue Engineering
Yun Mi Kang1  Bit Na Lee1  Jae Hoon Ko2  Gyeong Hae Kim1  Kkot Nim Kang1  Da Yeon Kim1  Jae Ho Kim1  Young Hwan Park2  Heung Jae Chun3  Chun Ho Kim4 
[1] Department of Molecular Science and Technology, Ajou University, Suwon, 443-749, Korea; E-Mails:;Digital Dyeing & Finishing Tech, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Ansan, 426-791, Korea; E-Mails:;Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Medicine, Catholic University, Seoul, 137-701, Korea; E-Mail:;Laboratory of Tissue Engineering, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences, Seoul, 139-706, Korea; E-Mail:
关键词: electrospun;    chitosan;    microfibers;    scaffold;    stem cell;   
DOI  :  10.3390/ijms11104140
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

In this work, we examined the biocompatibility of electrospun chitosan microfibers as a scaffold. The chitosan microfibers showed a three-dimensional pore structure by SEM. The chitosan microfibers supported attachment and viability of rat muscle-derived stem cells (rMDSCs). Subcutaneous implantation of the chitosan microfibers demonstrated that implantation of rMDSCs containing chitosan microfibers induced lower host tissue responses with decreased macrophage accumulation than did the chitosan microfibers alone, probably due to the immunosuppression of the transplanted rMDSCs. Our results collectively show that chitosan microfibers could serve as a biocompatible in vivo scaffold for rMDSCs in rats.

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