International Journal of Molecular Sciences
How Does the Preparation of Rye Porridge Affect Molecular Weight Distribution of Extractable Dietary Fibers?
Allah Rakha1  Per Åman2 
[1]Department of Food Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Box, 7051, S-75007 Uppsala, Sweden
关键词: whole grain rye;    porridge making;    arabinoxylan;    fructan;    β-glucan;    molecular weight;   
DOI  :  10.3390/ijms12053381
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

Extractable dietary fiber (DF) plays an important role in nutrition. This study on porridge making with whole grain rye investigated the effect of rest time of flour slurries at room temperature before cooking and amount of flour and salt in the recipe on the content of DF components and molecular weight distribution of extractable fructan, mixed linkage (1→3)(1→4)-β-d-glucan (β-glucan) and arabinoxylan (AX) in the porridge. The content of total DF was increased (from about 20% to 23% of dry matter) during porridge making due to formation of insoluble resistant starch. A small but significant increase in the extractability of β-glucan (P = 0.016) and AX (P = 0.002) due to rest time was also noted. The molecular weight of extractable fructan and AX remained stable during porridge making. However, incubation of the rye flour slurries at increased temperature resulted in a significant decrease in extractable AX molecular weight. The molecular weight of extractable β-glucan decreased greatly during a rest time before cooking, most likely by the action of endogenous enzymes. The amount of salt and flour used in the recipe had small but significant effects on the molecular weight of β-glucan. These results show that whole grain rye porridge made without a rest time before cooking contains extractable DF components maintaining high molecular weights. High molecular weight is most likely of nutritional importance.

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