Performance Evaluation of an Anti-Lock Braking System for Electric Vehicles with a Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller
Jingang Guo1  Xiaoping Jian2  Guangyu Lin2 
[1] School of Automobile, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710061, Shaanxi, China;
关键词: electric vehicle (EV);    anti-lock braking system (ABS);    sliding mode control;    fuzzy logic control;   
DOI  :  10.3390/en7106459
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

Traditional friction braking torque and motor braking torque can be used in braking for electric vehicles (EVs). A sliding mode controller (SMC) based on the exponential reaching law for the anti-lock braking system (ABS) is developed to maintain the optimal slip value. Parameter optimizing is applied to the reaching law by fuzzy logic control (FLC). A regenerative braking algorithm, in which the motor torque is taken full advantage of, is adopted to distribute the braking force between the motor braking and the hydraulic braking. Simulations were carried out with Matlab/Simulink. By comparing with a conventional Bang-bang ABS controller, braking stability and passenger comfort is improved with the proposed SMC controller, and the chatting phenomenon is reduced effectively with the parameter optimizing by FLC. With the increasing proportion of the motor braking torque, the tracking of the slip ratio is more rapid and accurate. Furthermore, the braking distance is shortened and the conversion energy is enhanced.

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