The Partnering with Patients Model of Nursing Interventions: A First Step to a Practice Theory
Wendy Moyle1  Claire M. Rickard1  Suzanne K. Chambers1  Wendy Chaboyer1 
[1] Centre for Health Practice Innovation, Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Griffith University, Nathan Campus QLD 4111, Australia; E-Mails:
关键词: nursing interventions;    nursing theory;    nursing model;    complex healthcare interventions;    patient centred care;    capabilities approach;   
DOI  :  10.3390/healthcare3020252
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

The development of a body of knowledge, gained through research and theory building, is one hallmark of a profession. This paper presents the “Partnering with Patients Model of Nursing Interventions”, providing direction towards how complex nursing interventions can be developed, tested and subsequently adopted into practice. Coalescence of understanding of patient-centred care, the capabilities approach and the concept of complex healthcare interventions led to the development of the model assumptions and concepts. Application of the model to clinical practice is described, including presentation of a case study, and areas for future research including understanding both patients’ and nurses’ perceptions and experiences when the model is in use, and testing the effect of nursing interventions based on the model are recommended.

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