Reactivity of Aryl Halides for Reductive Dehalogenation in (Sea)water Using Polymer-Supported Terpyridine Palladium Catalyst
Toshimasa Suzuka1  Hiromu Sueyoshi2  Shohei Maehara2  Hiroaki Ogasawara2 
[1] Department of Chemistry, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan;
关键词: palladium;    polymer-support;    hydrodechlorination;    seawater;   
DOI  :  10.3390/molecules20069906
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

A polymer-supported terpyridine palladium complex was prepared. The complex was found to promote hydrodechlorination of aryl chlorides with potassium formate in seawater. Generally, reductive cleavage of aryl chlorides using transition metal catalysts is more difficult than that of aryl bromides and iodides (reactivity: I > Br > Cl); however, the results obtained did not follow the general trend. Therefore, we investigated the reaction inhibition agents and found a method to remove these inhibitors. The polymeric catalysts showed high catalytic activity and high reusability for transfer reduction in seawater.

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