Smart Home Communication Technologies and Applications: Wireless Protocol Assessment for Home Area Network Resources
Tiago D. P. Mendes1  Radu Godina1  Eduardo M. G. Rodrigues1  João C. O. Matias1  João P. S. Catalão1 
[1] Department of Electromechanical Engineering, University of Beira Interior, 6201-001 Covilha, Portugal; E-Mails:
关键词: smart home;    HAN;    M2M;    wireless home communication protocols;   
DOI  :  10.3390/en8077279
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

The paper discusses Home Area Networks (HAN) communication technologies for smart home and domestic application integration. The work is initiated by identifying the application areas that can benefit from this integration. A broad and inclusive home communication interface is analysed utilizing as a key piece a Gateway based on machine-to-machine (M2M) communications that interacts with the surrounding environment. Then, the main wireless networks are thoroughly assessed, and later, their suitability to the requirements of HAN considering the application area is analysed. Finally, a qualitative analysis is portrayed.

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