In 1972, it was reported that viable ascospores and conidia of Gremmeniella abietina, North American race, were present on dead branches up to 10 months after they were killed. In Sweden, the survival period of conidia of G. abietina, European race, was reported to be over 18 months. We investigated the viability of conidia produced by G. abietina, European race, over a 2-year period in eastern Canada. Infected branches with pycnidia were left on the ground in June 2006. Branches were sampled every month during three growing seasons. Conidia germination was tested monthly and showed a very high rate of germination (76%–98%) from July 2006 to August 2007. Very few pycnidia were detected in the fall of 2007 and in May 2008. In June and July 2008, no pycnidia could be observed, the shoots being in an advanced stage of decomposition. In light of these observations, it is recommended to delay pine plantation until after two growing seasons following harvesting of diseased pine trees.