Integrated Ecological River Health Assessments, Based on Water Chemistry, Physical Habitat Quality and Biological Integrity
Ji Yoon Kim2  Kwang-Guk An1  Young-Seuk Park2 
[1] Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-764, Korea; E-Mail
关键词: integrative health responses (IHRs) model;    river ecosystem health;    stressor identification;    chemical pollution;   
DOI  :  10.3390/w7116378
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

This study evaluated integrative river ecosystem health using stressor-based models of physical habitat health, chemical water health, and biological health of fish and identified multiple-stressor indicators influencing the ecosystem health. Integrated health responses (IHRs), based on star-plot approach, were calculated from qualitative habitat evaluation index (QHEI), nutrient pollution index (NPI), and index of biological integrity (IBI) in four different longitudinal regions (Groups I–IV). For the calculations of IHRs values, multi-metric QHEI, NPI, and IBI models were developed and their criteria for the diagnosis of the health were determined. The longitudinal patterns of the river were analyzed by a self-organizing map (SOM) model and the key major stressors in the river were identified by principal component analysis (PCA). Our model scores of integrated health responses (IHRs) suggested that mid-stream and downstream regions were impaired, and the key stressors were closely associated with nutrient enrichment (N and P) and organic matter pollutions from domestic wastewater disposal plants and urban sewage. This modeling approach of IHRs may be used as an effective tool for evaluations of integrative ecological river health.

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