Wildfire Likelihood’s Elements: A Literature Review
Mario Mhawej2  Ghaleb Faour2  Jocelyne Adjizian-Gerard1 
[1] Department of Geography, St Joseph University, Damascus Street, Mar Mickael, Beirut 1104 2020, Lebanon; E-Mail:;National Center for Remote Sensing, National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS), Riad al Soloh, Beirut 1107 2260, Lebanon; E-Mail:
关键词: wildfire;    likelihood;    hazard;    ignition factors;    fire occurrence;   
DOI  :  10.3390/challe6020282
来源: mdpi
【 摘 要 】

Wildfires occur in different climatic zones, forest cover types and eras. Wildfire or forest fire has always shaped the landscape. Different methodologies and indexes have emerged to determine the likelihood of wildfire, commonly confused with the wildfire hazard. However, none of these are universal or portable. In this paper, we have gone through several articles, projects and books. The aim was to identify factors related to the ignition of a wildfire. Consequently, 28 factors were presented and categorized into climatic, topographic, in-situ, historical and anthropogenic factors. It is the first step in building a generalized, acceptable and portable method to determine the wildfire risk. Its creation is strongly related to the prevention and better assessment of this phenomenon.

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