Research Letters in Biochemistry
Inhibition ofCandida albicansby Fluvastatin Is Dependent on pH
SeliDzogbeta1  MartinSchmidt1  Michael P.Boyer1 
DOI  :  10.1155/2009/151424
来源: Hindawi Publishing Corporation
【 摘 要 】
The cholesterol-lowering drug fluvastatin (FS) has an inhibitory effect on the growth of the pathogenic yeastCandida albicansthat is dependent on the pH of the medium. At the low pH value of the vagina, FS is growth inhibitory at low and at high concentrations, while at intermediate concentrations (1–10 mM), it has no inhibitory effect. Examination of the effect of the common antifungal drug fluconazole in combination with FS demonstrates drug interactions in the low concentration range. Determination of intracellular stress and the activity of the FS target enzyme HMG-CoA reductase confirm our hypothesis that in the intermediate dose range adjustments to the sterol biosynthesis pathway can compensate for the action of FS. We conclude that the pH dependent uptake of FS across yeast membranes might make FS combination therapy an attractive possibility for treatment of vaginalC. albicansinfections.
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