Research Letters in Biochemistry
Identification of a New Splice Variant ofthe HumanABCC6 Transporter
AngelaOstuni1  VittoriaInfantino1  Maria FrancescaArmentano1  Maria AntoniettaCastiglione Morelli1  FaustinoBisaccia1  VitoIacobazzi1 
DOI  :  10.1155/2008/912478
来源: Hindawi Publishing Corporation
【 摘 要 】
ABCC6 is a member of the adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette (ABC) gene subfamily C that encodes a protein (MRP6) involved in active transport of intracellular compounds to the extracellular environment. Mutations in ABCC6 cause pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE), an autosomal recessive disorder of the connective tissue characterized by progressive calcification of elastic structures in the skin, the eyes, and the cardiovascular system. MRP6 is codified by 31 exons and contains 1503 amino acids. In addition to a full-length transcript of ABCC6, we have identified an alternatively spliced variant of ABCC6 from a cDNA of human liver that lacks exons 19 and 24. The novel isoform was named ABCC6Δ19Δ24. PCR analysis from cDNA of cell cultures of primary human hepatocites and embryonic kidney confirms the presence of the ABCC6Δ19Δ24 isoform. Western blot analysis of the embryonic kidney cells shows a band corresponding to the molecular weight of the truncated protein.
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