American journal of clinical and experimental immunology
Gastrointestinal-associated autoantibodies in different autoimmune diseases
Maya Ram1  Yehuda Shoenfeld1  Ljudmila Stojanovich1  Nancy Agmon-Levin1  Ricard Cervera1  Renato Tozzoli1  Nicola Bizzaro1  Gerard Espinosa1  Angela Tincani1  Hedi Orbach1  Danilo Villalta1  Miri Blank1  Arie Altman1  Salvatore De Vita1  Stefano Bombardieri1  Dana Ben-Ami Shor1  Jan Damoiseaux1  Juan-Manuel Anaya1  Mona Boaz1  Blaž Rozman1  Elio Tonutti1  Ori Barzilai1 
关键词: Gliadin (AGA);    tissue-transglutaminase (tTG);    Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ASCA);    autoantibodies;    inflammatory bowel diseases.;   
DOI  :  
来源: e-Century Publishing Corporation
【 摘 要 】
Background: Gastrointestinal (GI)-related autoantibodies (Abs) are rarely evaluated in autoimmune diseases (AID) other than inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune hepatitis and celiac disease. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of these antibodies in a wide spectrum of AID. Methods: We examined 923 serum samples representing 18 AID and compared them with 338 samples from healthy subjects. We used the BioPlex 2200-immunoassay (Bio-Rad, USA) to test samples for the presence of IgA and IgG directed at gliadin (AGA), tissue-transglutaminase (tTG), and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ASCA). Results: Prevalence of IgA AGA was significantly higher in antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) (7.1 %, P=0.012) and in pemphigus vulgaris (25%, P =0.008) patients, as compared with healthy controls. Presence of IgG-AGA was more common among Crohn’s disease (20.5%, P = 0.023) and rheumatoid arthritis (6.5%, P=0.027) patients. IgG anti tTG were frequently observed in APS (6.1%, P=0.012), in giant cell arteritis (11.5%, P=0.013) and in ulcerative colitis (11.1%, P=0.018) patients, and as expected, higher prevalence of ASCA (IgA 19.3% and IgG 27.7%) was found in Crohn’s disease. IgG ASCA were also found in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (4.5%, P=0.01), in Graves’ disease (5.7%, P=0.018), in cryoglobulinemia (7.1%, P=0.006), and in patients with vasculitides (6.5%, P=0.002). In contrast, lower prevalence of IgG type AGA was found in SLE (P=0.034), cryoglobulinemia (P=0.019) and vasculitides (P=0.013) patients. Conclusions: Our findings suggest an association between GI-related- Abs and a wide spectrum of AID. The clinical implication of these findings is yet to be determined.
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