Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering
Computational Blood Flow Analysis —New Trends and Methods
Takami YAMAGUCHI1  Ken-ichi TSUBOTA1  Masanori NAKAMURA1  Tomohiro FUKUI1  Yohsuke IMAI1  Takuji ISHIKAWA1 
[1] Dept. of Bioengineering and Robotics, Grad. Sch. Eng., Tohoku University
关键词: Review;    Hemodynamics;    Blood Flow;    Computational Analysis;    Numerical Method;   
DOI  :  10.1299/jbse.1.29
来源: Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
【 摘 要 】

References(173)Cited-By(11)Over the past few decades, a large number of novel numerical methods have been proposed to analyze blood flows and to understand the relationship between vascular diseases and hemodynamics. In this paper, we review recent computational fluid dynamics studies on macroscale hemodynamics such as blood flow in the heart and large arteries, microscale blood flows in small vessels in which blood is assumed to be a suspension of red blood cells in plasma, and single red blood cell motions in an induced flow field. The advantages and disadvantages of numerical methods are discussed, and current trends in these research fields are introduced.

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