Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering
The Exact Stimulus for the Strain Adaptation of Bone Tissue is Unknown
Stephen COWIN1 
[1] New York Center for Biomedical Engineering, Departments of Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering, The City College
关键词: Bone Remodeling;    Functional Adaptation;    Mechanotransduction;    Adaptation stimulus;    Cellular Mechanosensation Mechanisms;   
DOI  :  10.1299/jbse.1.16
来源: Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
【 摘 要 】

References(23)Cited-By(6)This work is a review of recent advances in the understanding of strain adaptive bone remodeling. The phenomenological theories of surface bone strain adaptation and internal bone strain adaptation are summarized as well as the possible cellular mechanisms for mechanotransduction that occurs in bone tissue adaptation. The phenomenological bone strain adaptation theories are based on the postulate that there exists a causal relationship between the rate of deposition or resorption of the bone matrix and a stimulus; the stimuli considered are generally measures of the mechanical loading (strain, strain rate, strain energy, stress, fatigue microdamage) applied to the bone matrix of a whole living bone. The exact measure of the mechanical loading history at a point that is the biological stimulus, although much discussed and written about, is not precisely known. The focus of this review is to highlight our ignorance concerning the nature of precise biological stimulus and to suggest ways to deal with this ignorance.

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