Acoustical Science and Technology
Speech recognition interface system for digital TV control
Hiroyasu Kuwano1  Masakatsu Hoshimi1  Takeo Kanamori1  Yoshihisa Nakatoh1 
[1] Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
关键词: Digital TV;    Speech recognition;    Noise suppression;    Speaker adaptation;   
DOI  :  10.1250/ast.28.165
来源: Acoustical Society of Japan
【 摘 要 】

References(12)Cited-By(1)In this paper, we describe a speech recognition interface system for digital TV (DTV) control. TV systems are currently undergoing digitalization and will become more multifunctional, leading to more complex TV operations. Thus, it is necessary for everyone to be able to use TVs easily, and a speech recognition interface is an important key technology. A speech recognition system, which is designed for home use, particularly for digital TV, must be simple and robust to environmental noises and speaker variations. To provide robustness to noise, we developed a noise reduction technique for house noise and an echo-canceling technique for TV sound. To achieve robustness to speaker variations, we developed new speaker adaptation techniques which are incorporated in the system. These of technologies results in a significant improvement in the recognition performance of the DTV.

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