International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research
Limberg Flap Reconstruction for Pilonidal Sinus
Yogishwarappa CN1  Abhishek Vijayakumar1 
关键词: Pilonidal sinus;    Rhomboid flap;    Limberg’s Flap;    Bascom procedure.;   
DOI  :  10.7439/ijbar.v7i4.3184
来源: Scholar Science Journals
【 摘 要 】
Background:Pilonidal sinus is a relatively common condition affecting men twice as often as women. The estimated incidence is 26 per 100,000 people.? The? management? of? pilonidal? sinus? disease? remains controversial, and gold standard? treatment modality has yet? to? be? established. Limberg? procedure? is? a? safe? and? reliable? technique? in the treatment of sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus disease, with? low complication and recurrence rates? if performed according? to? appropriate? surgical? principles. Methods:This is a Prospective study on? 52? patients between? Jan? 2012? to? Dec? 2015 at Plastic surgery Department? at a tertiary care hospital..? Patients? having primary? or? recurrent? pilonidal? sinus? disease underwent? this operation. Results:Fifty Two patients had? this surgery. Among them,? 38? (73%)? were males? and? 14? (27%) were female.? The? mean? age? was? 31,? (Range:17?5? years). 14? (26.9%) presented with? recurrent sinus? and 5 of them had previous surgery on more than one occasions.? One hundred and seven patients (97.27%) had full? primary? healing? without? any? complication.? Two? (4%)? patient? had? minimal? epidermolysis? of? flap corners.? One?? (1.92%)? had? slight? gaping? of? wound edges.? However? all? three? healed? completely? with conservative? treatment. The? mean? length? of? hospital? stay? was? 2.45 (Range: 1?days)? and most patients? returned? to work within 3 weeks. Conclusion:Limberg? flap? is? very? effective? for pilonidal disease with low complicaion rates, short hospitalisation, low recurrence rates, earlier healing and shorter time off-work. The surgery can be easily mastered. We recommend Limberg flap as prefered surgery for cases of Pilionidal sinus.
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