International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research
Comparative evaluation of efficacy of CPP-ACPF and Clinpro on enamel remineralizationwith the help of DIAGNOdent- An invitro study.
Dr. Ruchi Rani Shah1  Dr.J R Patel1  Dr.vaishali Parekh1  Dr.Hetal Chapla1  Dr.Nimisha Shah1 
关键词: CPP-ACPF;    Clinpro 5000;    DIAGNOdent;    Remineralisation;   
DOI  :  10.7439/ijbar.v4i6.387
来源: Scholar Science Journals
【 摘 要 】
Aim : Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of CPP-ACPF and Sodium fluoride with tri-calcium phosphate? on enamel remineralisation using the Diagnodent. Materials & method : Thirty extracted human premolars were selected and divided into three groups of 10 teeth each: A (artificial saliva), B (CPP-ACPF), C (Sodium fluoride with tri-calcium phosphate -Clinpro 5000). All the samples were assessed using DIAGNOdent at the baseline and after demineralization and remineralisation after 7 days. Result : Statistical analysis showed that group B(CPP-ACPF) and group C(Clinpro 5000) had significantly higher amount of remineralisation than group A(artificial saliva). Conclusion : All the three groups showed a statistically significant amount of remineralization. However, Clinpro 5000 showed marginally more amount of remineralisation than CPP-ACPF.
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