International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research
Internship: A Transition From A Medical Student To A Doctor
Purushottam A Giri1  Gaurav Singh Parhar1 
关键词: Internship;    Medical intern;    Medical Council of India;   
DOI  :  10.7439/ijbar.v3i10.725
来源: Scholar Science Journals
【 摘 要 】

The internship, a transition from a medical student to a doctor, is a period of one year after passing the final year exam of MBBS, where an intern works in various departments in a hospital. Doing so exposes them to the practical aspects of things they have studied during the four and a half year MBBS course. As a part of the physician?? team taking care of the patients s/he absorbs the skills to approach and management of the patients under direct supervision of their seniors. This also helps the intern to explore his/her field of interest to pursue in future. Thus this one year period is very important phase of the life of a doctor, but as five fingers aren?? alike this crucial experience is different for everyone. Some interns neglect it intentionally by bunking the duties while some are unfortunate enough due to lack of proper guidance.

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