Physics International
Neutrino Mass Mechanisms in 3-3-1 Models: A Short Review | Science Publications
Carlos Antônio de Sousa Pires1 
关键词: 3-3-1 Models;    Neutrino Masses and Mixing;   
DOI  :  10.3844/pisp.2015.33.41
来源: Science Publications
【 摘 要 】

In this study we review some mechanisms that provide light neutrinos in the framework of 3-3-1 gauge modelswithout exotic leptons. In regard to the minimal 3-3-1 model, we call theattention to the fact that the perturbative regime of the model goes until 5TeV. This requires alternative mechanisms in order to generate light neutrinos.In this review we discuss two mechanisms capable of generating light neutrinosin the framework of the minimal 3-3-1 model. In regard to the 3-3-1 model withright-handed neutrinos, we call the attention to the fact that in it mechanismsthat generate light left-handed neutrinos also generate light right-handedneutrinos. Finally, we call the attention to the fact that the 3-3-1 model withright-handed neutrinos accommodate naturally the inverse seesaw mechanism.

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