Physics International
On the Closed Form Solutions of Linear and Nonlinear Cauchy Reaction-Diffusion Equations Using the Hybrid of Fourier Transform and Variational Iteration Method | Science Publications
S. S. Nourazar1  M. Nourazar1  A. Nazari-Golshan1 
关键词: Cauchy reaction-diffusion;    fourier transformation;    variational iteration method;    Non-homogeneous;    partial differential equation;    exact solutions;    restricted variational;   
DOI  :  10.3844/pisp.2011.8.20
来源: Science Publications
【 摘 要 】

Problem statement: In the present study, a hybrid of Fourier transform and Variational Iteration Method (FTVIM) is developed for solving the non-homogeneous linear and nonlinear partial differential equations of Cauchy reaction-diffusion problem. Approach: The closed form solutions obtained from the series solution of recursive sequences is valid for the entire range of problem domain. Results and Conclusion: Moreover, the very rapid convergence towards the exact solutions using the new method, FTVIM, indicates that the amount of computational work is much less than the computational work required for both the previous VIMs and the modified VIMs.

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