Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
Formation of Ozone in Urban Air by Photochemical Oxidation of Hydrocarbons: Captive Air Experiments in Porto Alegre, RS
Grosjean, Eric1  Grosjean, Daniel1 
关键词: urban air pollution;    oxygenated fuels;    ozone formation;    captive air studies;    hydrocarbon reactivity ranking;    ethanol;    methyl-tert-butyl ether;   
DOI  :  10.1590/S0103-50531998000200004
来源: SciELO
【 摘 要 】

Emissions from stationary and mobile sources have adverse effects on urban air quality. Primary pollutants are emitted directly into the atmosphere. Major primary pollutants include carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and particulate matter. Primary pollutants, including VOC and NOx, may be oxidized in-situ in the atmosphere in a series of complex, sunlight-initiated chemical reactions. The corresponding reaction products are called secondary pollutants and include ozone, peroxyacyl nitrates, carbonyls, carboxylic acids and secondary aerosols. The most studied of these secondary pollutants is ozone1, for which Brazil, like many other countries, has issued a national ambient air quality standard. Since ozone forms in the atmosphere by reactions involving VOC and NOx, control strategies for ozone air quality must involve control of the emissions of the primary pollutants that are precursors to ozone, namely VOC and NOx. The necessary first steps when assessing ozone air quality in a given urban area are to identify VOC, to measure their concentrations, and to measure NOx concentrations. These measurements have been recently performed as part of a one-year study conducted in the metropolitan Porto Alegre area2,3. Once information is available regarding urban VOC and NOx, it becomes possible using computer air quality models4,5, to estimate how much ozone will form in VOC-NOx reactions during atmospheric transport downwind of the urban center. Captive air experiments may provide useful information regarding how much ozone may form by VOC-NOx reactions in a given urban area. In a captive air experiment, ambient air containing VOC and NOx is introduced in a reaction vessel (smog chamber) and is exposed to sunlight for several hours. In this “captive” air parcel, all the chemical reactions that lead to ozone formation in the atmosphere are taking place, but there is no dilution and no addition of VOC and NOx during transport, i.e., meteorology and pollutant emissions along the trajectory of the air parcel have been deleted. Therefore, the amount of ozone formed in a captive air experiment gives a measure of the amount of ozone that would be produced by photochemical reactions of the VOC and NOx initially present in the same air parcel in the atmosphere. In addition to providing a direct measure of the photochemical reactivity of a given air parcel, the results of captive air experiments can be used as input to computer modeling simulations of the effects of emission controls (VOC control, NOx control, or both) on urban levels of ozone. Captive air experiments have been carried out in several cities in the U.S. including Houston, Texas6, Detroit, Michigan7, and Los Angeles, California8,9. In Japan, this approach has led to the design and construction of a mobile smog chamber10 which could be used to carry out captive air experiments at several urban locations. Captive air experiments have not been carried out in Brazil prior to this study, which also includes the first detailed report of ambient concentrations of ca. 75 VOC in the atmosphere of a Brazilian city. The objective of this article is to describe captive air experiments carried out in Porto Alegre, RS, where both MTBE and ethanol are being used as oxygenated fuels. The captive air experiments involved sunlight irradiation of a parcel of ambient air at a downtown location where ambient levels of pollutants have been extensively characterized2,3. Six experiments have been carried out, each involving a different, “real-world” mixture of ambient VOC and ambient NOx. In each experiment, initial concentrations of the following ozone precursors were measured: speciated VOC (ca. 75 compounds including MTBE and ethanol), oxides of nitrogen (NO and NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and the aldehydes formaldehyde (HCHO) and acetaldehyde (CH3CHO). Continuous measurements were made of NO, NO2 and ozone, thus yielding concentration-time profiles that documented the photochemical conversion of NO to NO2 and the formation of ozone. Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN, CH3C(O)OONO2), another important photochemical oxidant, was measured along with ozone in these experiments. The results are discussed with focus on assessing the relative importance of VOC (including MTBE and ethanol) as precursors to ozone in the Porto Alegre urban area. The results of the captive air experiments, together with those of other studies2,3 may also serve as input to computer modeling studies of ozone air quality in Porto Alegre.   Experimental Methods The captive air experiments were carried out at the Rodoviaria monitoring station2,3 in downtown Porto Alegre. The monitoring station was located a few blocks from the center of town on a 30 m wide divider strip in the middle of a major highway that brings a large fraction of the vehicle traffic to and from the center of Porto Alegre. The monitoring station was also near a major bus terminal. In a typical experiment, ambient air was introduced in a smog chamber constructed from FEP 200A Teflon film. This type of Teflon film is transparent to sunlight over the spectrum of wavelengths relevant to tropospheric photochemical reactions. Wall losses of ozone, hydrocarbons, NOx, PAN and other pollutants in chambers made of FEP 200A film have been characterized in detail in previous studies11-13. The initial volume of the chamber was ca. 3.7 m3. The ambient air was introduced in the chamber during the period of high vehicle traffic as indicated by measurements of ambient levels of the two primary pollutants carbon monoxide (measured with a Dasibi 3008 continuous analyzer, gas filter correlation spectroscopy method) and nitric oxide (API 200A continuous analyzer, chemiluminescence method). The contents of the chamber were then exposed to sunlight. At the beginning of each experiment, samples were collected to measure initial VOC and initial aldehyde concentrations. Samples for VOC were collected in electropolished stainless steel canisters. The sampling duration was ca. one minute. The canisters were returned to the laboratory and their contents were analyzed for CO, CO2 and for ca. 75 VOC including MTBE and ethanol. These analyses involved a combination of methods including gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Samples for aldehydes were collected on C18 cartridges coated with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH). The sampling duration was one hour. Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde were measured as their DNPH derivatives by liquid chromatography (LC) with ultraviolet detection. One field control cartridge was analyzed along with the batch of samples. The GC-FID, GC-MS and DNPH-LC methods have been described in detail elsewhere2,3,14. Oxides of nitrogen (NO and NO2) were measured by chemiluminescence (API 200A analyzer). Ozone was measured by ultraviolet photometry (Dasibi 1108 AH analyzer). PAN was measured by gas chromatography with electron capture detection as described previously15. The NOx, ozone and PAN analyzers were connected to the Teflon sampling port of the chamber using 0.6 cm diameter Teflon sampling lines. The operation and data acquisition protocols for these instruments and the corresponding calibrations have been described previously2,3. The precision of the measurements was ± 1-2 ppb for ozone, ±3-5 ppb for NO and NO2 and ±30% for PAN. Temperature was recorded every 30 min during the experiments. Sunlight irradiations were carried out for typically 5-6 h. The experiments were terminated shortly after the maximum in ozone concentration had been recorded. A second set of one-hour aldehyde samples was collected near the end of each experiment. The smog chamber was then emptied and cleaned by flushing several times (typically 3 times) with high purity air (using a cylinder of zero grade air) prior to the start of the next captive air experiment.   Results and Discussion Photochemical formation of NO2, ozone and PAN Six captive air experiments have been carried out. A summary of initial concentrations, maximum ozone and PAN concentrations and other relevant information is given in Table 1. Initial NOx (NO + NO2) concentrations ranged from 110 to 233 ppb. The initial NO / NO2 concentration ratios (ppb / ppb) ranged from 0.83 to 2.64. Examples of concentration-time profiles for NO, NO2, ozone and PAN are shown in Fig. 1 for experiment #4 and in Fig. 2 for experiment #5. These profiles show, as expected, conversion of NO to NO2 and formation of the photochemical oxidants ozone and PAN. The maximum ozone concentrations ranged from 156 to 348 ppb, and the maximum PAN concentrations ranged from 13.3 to 29.5 ppb.       Nature and ambient concentrations of VOC precursors Listed in Table 2 are the initial concentrations of the ca. 75 VOC that were measured by GC-FID analysis of the ambient air collected in canister samples at the beginning of the experiments. On a mass concentration basis, the most abundant compounds (after CO, CO2 and methane) were ethylene, acetylene, isopentane, MTBE, toluene, ethanol, (m+p)-xylene, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde.    The canister samples were also analyzed by GC-MS. An example of GC-MS chromatogram is given in Fig. 3 for the sample collected in experiment #5. These analyses enabled us to verify the structure of the VOC that were identified and measured by GC-FID. In addition, GC-MS analysis resulted in the identification of additional VOC. The 30 additional compounds identified by GC-MS are listed in Table 3. These compounds included 3 fluorocarbons, 12 hydrocarbons (C6-C12 alkanes, alkenes and aromatics), 10 carbonyls (8 aldehydes and 2 ketones) and 5 other compounds: carbonyl sulfide, carbon disulfide, nitromethane, methyl formate and acetic acid.      Photochemical production of aldehydes In a captive air experiment, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde initially present are rapidly removed by photolysis and by reaction with the hydroxyl radical (OH). At the same time, the two aldehydes are formed as oxidation products of many of the VOC initially present. In turn, a fraction of the aldehydes thus formed is removed by photolysis and by reaction with OH. This competition between photochemical formation and photochemical removal may result in a net production or a net loss of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. Initial and final concentrations of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are compared in Table 4. The data in Table 4 clearly indicate net production of both aldehydes in all six captive air experiments. These results are consistent with the data given in Table 2 for VOC, virtually all of which (including MTBE) are precursors to formaldehyde and a number of which (including ethanol) are precursors to acetaldehyde. Net production of formaldehyde ranged from 20 to 46 ppb, net production of acetaldehyde ranged from 25 to 39 ppb, and concentration ratios (final / initial) were ca. 2.3-3.3 for formaldehyde and ca. 2.0-4.8 for acetaldehyde.    In fact, the data given in Table 4 are likely to be lower limits for actual net production of aldehydes, and this for two reasons. First, measured final concentrations may be lower than actual values if loss of aldehydes to the chamber wall becomes important late in the experiments11-13. This is because the volume of the Teflon chamber decreases and the chamber surface-to-volume (S/V) ratio correspondingly increases as air is withdrawn from the chamber for the purpose of measuring NOx, ozone and PAN: this increase in S/V may lead to an increase in the rate of loss of aldehydes to the chamber walls. Second, the samples collected when levels of ozone are high may suffer from a negative bias due to reaction of ozone with the DNPH derivatives of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde during sampling, and thus measured values may be lower limits for actual concentrations. PAN / ozone concentration ratios The maximum PAN / maximum ozone concentration ratios listed in Table 1 are ca. 0.08-0.09. Since the thermal decomposition of PAN increases rapidly with increasing temperature15, and since the temperature in the chamber after several hours in sunlight (i.e., when ozone and PAN reach high levels) is higher than the ambient temperature by ca. 5° C, the maximum PAN concentrations and the maximum PAN / maximum ozone concentration ratios measured in the captive air experiments are probably lower limits for actual values. The PAN / O3 ratios measured in this study are higher than those typically measured in other urban areas15 and are comparable to those measured during photochemical smog episodes in Southern California15. A major precursor to PAN is acetaldehyde, which is an abundant component of emissions from vehicles that use ethanol fuel. Ranking of VOC with respect to photochemical formation of ozone It is of interest to examine the relative contribution of the VOC listed in Table 2 to photochemical formation of ozone in the captive air experiments. This can be done by ranking the VOC according to their ability to react with the hydroxyl radical (all VOC react with OH, leading to photochemically reactive products including free radicals). VOC can also be ranked with respect to their ability to produce ozone. To rank VOC with respect to reaction with OH, we calculate the product of the VOC concentration and of the VOC-OH reaction rate constant:To rank VOC with respect to ozone formation, we calculate the product of the VOC concentration and the VOC maximum incremental reactivity coefficient (MIR = grams of ozone formed per gram of VOC):Although several reactivity scales can be used to rank VOC with respect to formation of ozone16, we select for the purpose of this study the MIR reactivity scale. This scale has been employed by the State of California in regulations that led to the specifications of California Phase II Reformulated Gasolines introduced in 199616. The rate constants kOH used in Eq. 1 are from recent reviews of literature data17. The MIR coefficients used in Eq. 2 are from Carter16. For a few VOC listed in Table 2, rate constants and / or MIR coefficients were not available, and we estimated them from structure-reactivity considerations and from examination of photochemical oxidation mechanisms. The units employed are as follows: VOC concentrations in ppbv and 1012 x rate constants in cm3 molecule-1 s-1 for Eq. 1, and VOC concentrations in mg m-3 and dimensionless MIR coefficient (gram ozone produced / gram VOC) in Eq. 2. The results of the calculations made using Eq. 1 (reaction with OH) and Eq. 2 (production of ozone) are listed in Table 5 for each VOC and each captive air experiment. These results are summarized in Table 6, which lists the 15 most important compounds with respect to reaction with OH and to production of ozone, and this for the average of the VOC data from the six captive air experiments. These results indicate that ranking according to photochemical reactivity is quite different from ranking according to concentration, i.e., compare Table 6 and Table 2. With respect to reaction with OH, carbon monoxide dominates followed by, in order of decreasing importance, ethylene, acetaldehyde, 2-methyl-2-butene, propene, isobutene, formaldehyde, trans-2-pentene, 2-methyl-1-butene, 1,3-butadiene, (m + p)-xylene, cyclopentene, trans-2-butene, ethanol, and cis-2-pentene. MTBE is ranked #27 and its contribution to reaction with OH is small, e.g. 10 times less than that of acetaldehyde and ca. 3 times less than that of ethanol.   With respect to production of ozone, ethylene is ranked #1, followed closely by carbon monoxide, followed by, in order of decreasing importance, acetaldehyde, (m + p)-xylene, formaldehyde, propene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, toluene, ethanol, trans-2-pentene, p-ethyltoluene, o-xylene, 2-methyl-2-butene, isobutene and 1,3-butadiene. MTBE is ranked #30 and its contribution to ozone production is small, e.g. ca. 9 times less than that of acetaldehyde and ca. 3 times less than that of ethanol. The data in Table 6 indicate that CO, ethylene and acetaldehyde are the three most important contributors to both reaction with OH and production of ozone. Following these three compounds, alkenes (10 of which are ranked in the “top-15” compounds) make a significant contribution to reaction with OH. These alkenes are also important with respect to ozone production, to which aromatic hydrocarbons also make a substantial contribution. Concluding Comments The results of the photochemical reactivity ranking calculations given in Table 5 and summarized in Table 6 underline the importance of carbon monoxide, alkenes and aromatics. An interesting implication in the

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