Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
Fundamental systems and solutions of nonhomogeneous equations for a pair of mixed linear ordinary differential equations
M. Venkatesulu1 
[1] T. Gnana Bhaskar
关键词: 34 A 99;   
DOI  :  10.1017/S1446788700030317
来源: Cambridge University Press
【 摘 要 】

Two different ordinary differential operators L1 and L2 (not of the same order) defined on two adjacent intervals I1 and I2, respectively, with certain mixed conditions at the interface are considered. These problems are encountered in the study of ‘acoustic waveguides in ocean’, ‘transverse vibrations in nonhomogeneous strings’, etc. A complete set of physical conditions on the system give rise to three types of (selfadjoint) boundary value problems associated with the pair (L1, L2). In a series of papers, a systematic study of these new classes of problems is being developed. In the present paper, we construct the fundamental systems and exhibit the forms of solutions of nonhomogeneous problems associated with the pair (L1, L2).

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