Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
The Introduction of Tech Pan Film at the UK Schmidt Telescope
Quentin A. Parker1 
[1]David Malin
关键词: instrumentation: detectors;    methods: observational;    techniques: photographic body;   
DOI  :  10.1071/AS99288
【 摘 要 】
Kodak Technical Pan (Tech Pan) emulsion on a film base has been in use at the UK Schmidt Telescope (UKST) since 1992. This material is extremely fine grained and its resolution is well matched to images produced by the UKST under good conditions. Tech Pan yields wide-angle photographs that are about 1 (stellar) magnitude fainter than equivalent IIIa-F plates but have considerably lower grain noise. A wide variety of new projects are under way which take advantage of this remarkable material. In this paper empirical results from experiments with Tech Pan from a number of sources are tied in with UKST experience to present an overview of the properties of the emulsion from an astronomical perspective. We compare Tech Pan's properties with those of equivalent IIIa-F emulsion, to which it seems superior in almost every respect. This overview and groundwork are currently missing from the published astronomical literature. The technical background and developments leading to adoption of this material at the UKST are presented.
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