Study of Frequency of Vana, Vanb and VanC1/C2 Genes in Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci Strains Isolated from Hospitalized and Non-Hospitalized Patients in South of Fars province
Kargar, Mohammad1  Hosseini, Fatemeh1 
[1], Islamic Azad University$$
关键词: demosponge;    spiculite;    turbidite;    Silesian Basin;    Outer Carpathians;    Cenomanian;   
DOI  :  
来源: Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd
【 摘 要 】
Background & Objectives: Enterococci are opportunistic bacteria that play a significant role in creating nosocomial infections. These bacteria recognized as the second cause of urinary tract infections in hospitalised and non-hospitalised patients worldwide. The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of vancomycin resistance genes and antibiotic resistance patterns in VRE strains.Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out on 48 Enterococcus isolates collected from  urinary of  hospitalised and non-hospitalised  pymaniye hospital patients in south of Fars province. Enterococci separation was performed through Biochemical tests. Sensitivity to conventional antibiotics and vancomycin according to CLSI criteria was conducted by using disk diffusion method and measuring MIC through Broth Broth dilution method. Then the presence of van A, van B, van C1/C2 genes in VRE strains were measured through multiplex PCR technique.Results: Out of total isolated Enterococci, 13 (27/08%) belonged to E.faecalis, 6(12/50%) to   E.faesium and 29 (60/42%) non-faecalis and non-faecium. In total, 21 strains (43/75%) were VRE and resistance to all groups of antibiotics observed in 3 (14/28%) strains. 4strains (40%) had vanA gene and 2 strains (20%) had vanB gene. But none of the strains were carrying vanC1/C2 and none of the investigated genes observed in 4 strains.Conclusion: According to wide emergence of the vancomycin resistant enterococci, application ofprecautionary and management procedures are highly required. Furthermore, avoidance from arbitrarily taking of antibiotics is recommended.
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