Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety of Propranolol for Pediatric Migraine Prophylaxis
Divanizadeh, MS1  Karimi, M1  Ordooei, M1  Fallah, R1 
关键词: demosponge;    spiculite;    turbidite;    Silesian Basin;    Outer Carpathians;    Cenomanian;   
DOI  :  
来源: Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd
【 摘 要 】
Introduction: Migraine is the most frequent and most important headache in childhood. Therefore, prophylactic therapy should be exerted in children with frequent or disabling headaches. The purpose of this study was to evaluate efficacy and safety of propranolol for children’s migraine prophylaxis. Methods: In this quasi- experimental study, monthly frequency, severity and duration of headache, migraine disability and side effects of fifty migrainous children were evaluated who were treated with 1mg/kg/day of propranolol for three months and referred to Pediatric Neurology Clinic of Shahid Sadoughi Medical Sciences University, Yazd, Iran from April 2011.Results: Twenty seven (54%) girls and 23(46%) boys with mean age of 10.68± 2.35 years were evaluated. Monthly frequency, severity and duration of headache decreased with treatment, from 16.2±6.74 to 8.88±4.54 attacks, from 6. 1±1.54 to 4.18±1.61, and from 2.2±1.36 to 1.08±1.08 hours, respectively. Pediatric Migraine Disability Assessment score reduced with TPM from 33.08±8.98 to 23.64 ± 9.88. (p
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