Effects of 2 Months Aerobic Exercis on Glucose Homeostasis Index and Cardiovascular Risk Factors
Rashidlamir, A1  Saadatnia, A1 
关键词: Adapted minicutting technique;    Length of mini-cuttings;    Mini-stumps shading;    Ornamental plants cloning;    Vegetative propagation.;   
DOI  :  
来源: Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd
【 摘 要 】
Introduction: The cause of many metabolic diseases is a progressive increase in fasting insulin levels that is generally associated with inflammatory status. In such conditions, circulating resistin hormonal levels and CRP levels also increase. The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of 2 months aerobic training on insulin resistance and inflammatory markers. Methods: In the study, 30 middle aged healthy men volunteered (Age=38.56±4.77, BMI=25.14±2.16) to participate and based on their body fat percentage were assigned in two equal groups. Experimental group was asked to perform 2 months of aerobic exercise, 4 sessions a week with 60-80% maximum heart rate, while the control group was sedentary during the same period. Blood samples were collected 48 hours before the first session and 48 hours after the last session under similar conditions.Results: Plasma insulin (p≤0.001) and glucose (p≤0.001) levels decreased and consequently insulin resistance index also decreased (p≤0.001) in the experimental group as compared to controls. Also, resistin concentrations increased (p≤0.001), while CRP concentrations decreased (p≤0.001), respectively in the experimental group. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that regular aerobic exercise due to improved insulin resistance and plasma levels of two inflammatory markers (CRP and the resistin) reduces risk factors of metabolic disease and atherosclerosis and can be used as an effective strategy to prevent such diseases.
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