Comparison of Effect of Echinophora-platyloba, Fennel and Placebo on Pre-menstural Syndrome in Shahre Kord University Students
, T1  , F1  Khairi, S1  Sadeghiyan, Z1  Bekhradi, M1  Jafari, F1  Rafeiyan, M1  Delaram, M1 
关键词: Adapted minicutting technique;    Length of mini-cuttings;    Mini-stumps shading;    Ornamental plants cloning;    Vegetative propagation.;   
DOI  :  
来源: Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd
【 摘 要 】
Introduction: Premenstrual syndrome(PMS) is a condition characterized by a number of behavioral, psychological and physical symptoms recurring cyclically during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. The uncertainty in the pathogenesis of PMS has led to many treatments being suggested as possible therapies. This study was carried out to compare the effects of Echinophora-platyloba and Fennel extracts on the PMS.Methods: In this single, blind randomized clinical trial, ninety students with moderate to severe PMS were divided into three groups of thirty students, each. The first group received E.platyloba extract, the second received Fennel extracts and the third group received Placebo. The severity of PMS was detected by Daily Record Of severity of Problems(DRSP) questionnaire at the end of first and second month after the intervention and compared with the results before intervention. Data analysis was performed by SPSS, One-Way Anova, Dunn and Wilcoxan tests and P
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