Developmental Biology
Air quality modelling study to analyse the impact of the World Bank emission guidelines for thermal power plants in Delhi
Chandra Shekhar Sharma1  Arun Kansal3  Mukesh Khare2 
[1] Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi, Delhi-110 007, India$$;Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-16, India$$;TERI University, 10, Institutional Area, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110 070, India$$
关键词: Emissions;    Source apportionment;    World Bank emission guidelines;    Thermal power plants;    Dispersion modelling;   
DOI  :  10.5094/APR.2011.012
来源: Dokuz Eylul Universitesi * Department of Environmental Engineering
【 摘 要 】

Recent strategies for air pollution control in Delhi have largely neglected the emission reduction measures from thermal power plants (TPPs), which are the second most polluting sources. The present study investigates how the ambient air quality of Delhi would improve if the World Bank emission guidelines (WBEG) for the TPPs were to be implemented. To accomplish this, a comprehensive inventory of point, area, and line sources was conducted in the selected study area, primarily aiming to estimate the sectoral emission contributions to ambient air quality. The Industrial Source Complex Short–Term Model, Version 3 (ISCST3) was used to predict the ambient concentrations of total suspended particulates (TSP), sulphur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) at seven monitoring sites (receptor locations) operated by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) for the period from July 2004 to June 2005. The ISCST3 model predictions for TSP and NO2 were satisfactory at all receptor locations. However, for SO2, the model predictions were satisfactory at only two receptor locations. The vehicles contributed 58% of the total ambient air pollution, followed by TPPs contributing 30%. The study estimates that adoption of WBEG may reduce the ambient air pollution due to TPPs emissions by 56% to 82%, bringing it within the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) set for industrial areas in India, except at one location where TPP’s contribution to ambient air pollution is negligible compared to vehicular emissions.

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