Documenta Praehistorica
Archaeological culture, please meet yoghurt culture: towards a relational archaeology of milk
Dimitrij Mlekuž1 
[1] University of Ljubljana, Faculty of ArtsInstitute for the protection of cultural heritage of Slovenia, Centre for preventive archaeology$$
关键词: archaeology;    milk;    gut bacteria;    companion species;    assemblages;    relations;    practices;   
DOI  :  10.4312/dp.42.19
来源: Univerza v Ljubljani * Filozofska Fakulteta / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Philosophy
【 摘 要 】

Taking milk as a point of departure, we set out on a journey to explore the ‘mutual becomings’ of different bodies, species, and things. We argue that milk should be understood as a component in an assemblage that connects animals, humans, hormones, enzymes, bacteria, food, genes,  technologies and material culture. These complex entanglements produced new, unexpected results  and effects. Since they form part of this assemblage, all its components are profoundly changed. Focusing on this diversity of relations between humans, other creatures, things and substances is a key  to an archaeology that does not radically separate humans and nonhumans.

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