International Journal of Computer Science and Security
Mobile User Authentication Based On User Behavioral Pattern (MOUBE)
Hassan Sbeyti1 
关键词: Security;    Implicit Authentication;    Behavioral Modeling.;   
DOI  :  
来源: Computer Science and Security
【 摘 要 】
Smart devices are equipped with multiple authentication techniques and still remain prone to attacks since all of these techniques require explicit user intervention. The purpose of this paper is to capture the user behavior in order to use it as an implicit authentication technique.In this paper, we introduce a novel authentication model to be used complementary to the existing models; Particularly, the context of the user, the duration of usage of each application and the occurrence time were examined and modeled using the cubic spline function as an authentication technique. A software system composed of two software components has been implemented on Android platform. Preliminary results show a 76% accuracy rate in determining the rightful owner of the device.
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