International Journal of Computer Science and Security
Performance Variation of LMS And Its Different Variants
DR .O. P SAHU1  Sanjeev Kumar Dhull1 
关键词: Adaptive;    lms;    step size;    PERFORMANCE;    DIIFFERENT VARIANTS;    CONVERGANCE;   
DOI  :  
来源: Computer Science and Security
【 摘 要 】
Acoustic echo cancellation is an essential and important requirement for various applications such as, telecasting, hands-free telephony and video-conferencing. Echo cancellers are required because of loud-speaker signals are picked up by a microphone and are fed back to the correspondent, resulting in an undesired echo. These days, adaptive filtering methods are used to cancel the affect of these echoes. Different variants of LMS adaptive algorithms have been. Implemented and they are compared based upon their performance according to the choice of step size
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