International Journal of Computer Science and Security
Hierarchies in Contextual Role- Based Access Control Model (C-RBAC)
Muhammad Nabeel Tahir1 
[1] $$
关键词: Access Control;    RBAC;    Purpose Role;    Spatial Role;    Location Modeling.;   
DOI  :  
来源: Computer Science and Security
【 摘 要 】

Hierarchical representation is a natural way of organizing roles in role-basedaccess control systems. Besides its advantages of providing a way ofestablishing parent-child relationships among different roles, it also provides afacility to design and organize context dependant application roles that usersmay activate depending on their current context (spatial, temporal) conditions. Inthis paper, we show that if spatial roles are organized in hierarchicalrelationships, it can cause the problem of disambiguation in making accesscontrol decisions especially when the user moves from one location to anotherlocation frequently in a single transaction and a single session. We extend ourwork of Contextual Role-Based Access Control (C-RBAC) by introducinghierarchical relationship among subject, location and purpose roles and solve thedisambiguation problem in hierarchy by considering user motion direction andhis/her context roles (spatial and spatial purpose) in order to make more finegrained and better access control decisions.

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