Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences
A physical model universe without dark energy and dark matter
Arved Sapar1 
关键词: flat-space model universes;    dark matter;    dark energy;    kinetic energy dominance;   
DOI  :  10.3176/proc.2017.2.06
来源: Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus
【 摘 要 】
Postulating kinetic energy dominance (KED) in the flat or observationally quasi-flat elliptical model universe with neither dark matter nor dark energy, it has been demonstrated that the curves of apparent luminosity versus redshift as the distance measure in the KED model universe and in the standard LCDM universe for Ia type supernovae as the standard candles are well-matching ones. This circumstance demonstrates that in cosmology there is probably no need for additional gravitationally attractive dark matter and repulsive dark energy. The KED model universe incorporates an additive, p2 = -ρ2c2/3, to the equation of state that describes the total energy integral, often treated as a special case of ‘quintessence’. The Einstein equations of general relativity have been tentatively modified in the spirit of Mach’s principle, multiplying a new cosmological coefficient by the ratio of total retarding gravitational potential of matter in the universe to c2. The KED model universe can originate from a collapsing huge-mass black hole in its internal region, describable by isotropic coordinates, as a new expanding universe. The mass of such a collapsing black hole passes, for a long time and with a constant rate, Ṁ = c3/2G, through the past horizon (Schwarzschild trap surface), generating a modified Milne-type expanding Big-Bang universe.
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